15th January 2021
12.00 - 13:00
Feedback from the previous presentation on this subject on the 11th of December, suggested the audience were disappointed that there was not enough time for discussion at the end of the presentations. So, Steve Green has agreed to re-run his presentation from the Contractors perspective, but with a deeper dive into the magnitude of costs the Government anticipate the Industry incurring as a result of implementing the draft Bill. These additional costs amount to an average of £84,000 for a typical in-scope project. This will be closer to £100,000 if the firms involved are not currently operating at BIM level 1! There are also anticipated savings as a result, which should reduce the impact. Learn the Governments assessment of where these costs and benefits will come.
The evaluation and demonstration of the competence of the individuals involved in projects is a key part of the bill, aimed at bringing about the significant change in the culture of the construction industry that is required.
The Get It Right Initiatives (GIRI) stated goal is “to create a working culture that gets it right from the start, and engages all stakeholders in eliminating error from inception, to completion”. The GIRI approach therefore offers an “off the shelf” means of training and testing the quality behaviour of the industry from Business Leaders, through Design Teams to Supervisors and Managers. To explore this potential further, we are pleased to be joined by Damian Leydon FICE MCIOB Director, Sunergos Partnership Ltd and GIRI Board Member. Damian will explain how the ethos of GIRI, combined with the inhouse GIRI Training Consultancy (GTC) can offer the industry a tried and tested route to improving behavioural quality across the construction industry.
The presentations will last no more than 30 - 40 minutes leaving plenty of time for a hopefully lively Q&A and discussion. Richard Cymler of Ballβ―& Berry, who also presented previously, will also join the panel to field any questions on the Bills impact leading up to handover.

Steve Green has recently established his J13Consulting business, following over 40 years in construction. Working for both National and Regional Contractors in Commercial, Design Management, Procurement and Business Improvement roles Steve has a wealth of experience from a multitude of perspectives. Steve is now looking to share his knowledge and experience to assist the local construction industry in preparing for business in the “new normal”. Having recently completed Train the Trainer training, Steve is now keen to roll out the Get It Right Initiatives (GIRI) Supervisor & Manager Training to the industry in general. Steve is Chair of the CE Midlands Quality Theme Group and committee member for the Hereford & Worcester CE Club. Steve also sits on the Construction SIG (Consig) of the CQI and the Technology and Error Metric working Groups for GIRI.
Damian Leydon has recently formed Sunergos Partnership Ltd, after over 30 years’ experience in the construction industry. Prior to forming Sunergos Partnership, Damian led Berkeley West Thames (part of the Berkeley Group) and various other projects for Berkeley St Joseph. He has worked on some high profile buildings, such as 10 Downing Street and St Paul’s Cathedral, and on some prestigious projects such as the development of Heathrow Terminal 5, as Construction Director of the Athletes Village for the London 2012 Olympics, and as the Head of Construction for the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant project based in Somerset.
Damian is committed to creating apprenticeship opportunities for disadvantaged workers and has previously been involved in BeOnsite, along with other training and apprenticeship schemes, which have greatly helped people back into work.

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