Introduction to the Code for Construction Product Information
25th Feb 2022
12.00 - 13:00
Webinar Overview
The Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI) has been established as a voluntary code of practice in response to the to the recommendations in Dame Judith Hackitt's reports after the Grenfell fire. In the latest report from the Industry Safety Steering Group, chaired by Dame Hackitt, CCPI is recognised as an example of 'just how much has been done to provide industry with the tools and frameworks it needs to accelerate the pace of change and to rebuild trust and confidence in and across the sector'.
CCPI provides validation for manufacturers to show and ensure the product information they provide is clear, accurate and unambiguous. By undertaking verification and conforming to the 11 clauses of the CCPI, you are demonstrating your commitment to, for example, a positive culture and behaviour change in the approach and management of your product information; to honest and transparent marketing of your products; and to management systems that ensure the information available on your products is up to date and accessible.
Depending on the focus - any manufacturer of construction products sold within the UK or importers of products that are sold under a manufacturers brand in the UK. Users, specifiers and professionals may also be interested to hear about CCPI, the verification process and how it aims to build trust within the industry.
You will learn about the background and inception of CCPI, the five steps of verification, overview of what is required from manufacturers to confirm with the 11 clauses so that you can prepare, where to find out more information.

Chief Executive,
Considerate Constructors Scheme
Building a Safer Future Charter
Code for Construction Product Information
Amanda was appointed Chief Executive of the Considerate Constructors Scheme in September 2019 and became the founding Chief Executive of the Building a Safer Future Charter in February 2020 and Chief Executive of Construction Product Information Ltd in August 2021. She has over 25 years of experience working in senior executive roles for a range of national and international organisations in the commercial, public, social enterprise and charitable sectors.
Amanda brings a wealth of expertise driving ethical business practice and championing consumer protection. She has been responsible for developing ground-breaking Corporate Social Responsibility frameworks to improve standards; and helping organisations in behavioural and culture change programmes focusing on public engagement, sustainability, workforce welfare and consumer protection. Her previous roles include Director-General of Consumers International; CEO of Corporate Culture; Head of Corporate Responsibility at Anglian Water Services; and International Projects Manager (Sustainability) at Unilever
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