Webinar Overview
This session will analyse the results of the Trowers & Hamlins LLP survey on the use of modular construction for new housing and consider the commercial, technical and legal issues for investors and developers.
The session will be relevant to all those engaged in using MMC in housing or considering using MMC.

Trowers & Hamlins LLP
Katie has over 20 years of experience advising on construction contracts in the real estate sector. Katie is particularly known for her work with housing providers in the UK in procuring regeneration, investment and asset management projects.
Katie leads the Trowers & Hamlins LLP national team advising housing providers and local authorities procuring long term contracts to maintain and improve their housing stock. She specialises in supporting her clients through the procurement process to select providers and drafting suitable framework agreements and delivery contracts. Katie is often called upon for her understanding of alliancing and partnering forms of contract. She is also engaged in the firm's commitment to encouraging modern methods of construction in the housing sector.
Katie is the Chair of the Manchester Constructing Excellence Best Practice Club and regularly speaks at construction and housing conferences on procurement and construction best practice including MMC. She is a board member of The Housing Forum and was part of the working group reporting on Stopping Building Failures as a response to the Dame Judith Hackitt review in 2018 and led the procurement working group on MMC for affordable housing developers in 2019. She contributed to the 2020 Mark Farmer and HTA report on Build Homes Build Jobs Build Innovation on the importance of structuring procurements and contracts carefully to deliver MMC projects.
She is committed to encouraging diversity within the construction sector and is a member of the committee organising the annual Inspire Summit . Katie and her team have written a construction law course being taught in schools as part of the Design Engineer Construct course which is sponsored by the construction industry and equips school leavers for careers in the sector.
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