Webinar Overview
Join us on this webinar where we will introduce you to Autodesk Advance Steel and how it can transform your structural timber / steelwork workflows.
For anyone using 2D AutoCAD to produce structural timber / steelwork fabrication details.
Learn how Advance Steel can do 3D member modelling in an AutoCAD environment, place automatic connections, create custom connections specific to structural timber, create all fabrication drawings, bill of material and CNC data automatically

Structures Application Engineer for Graitec UK
13 years of experience in the construction industry, 8 years as an Architectural Metalwork and Structural Steelwork Draughtman using Autodesk Advance Steel.
Currently working as a Structures Application Engineer for Graitec UK drawing on first-hand industry experience to provide demonstrations, training, technical support, implementation and customisation for Structural CAD packages
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