Improving SC Productivity in Construction
23th April 2021
12.00 - 13:00
This webinar shows how productivity improvements based on supply chain management used in manufacturing could be applied to improve the performance of construction.
Highly recommended for key stakeholders in construction supply chains who would like to improve their productivity and competitiveness
At the end of the webinar in a construction context attendees will be to discuss:
How the concept of supply chain applies
The 4 different roles that supply chain management can play
The importance of taking and an ‘end to end’ supply chain perspective
How to identify and leverage ‘economies of repetition’
The importance of planning In addition to procurement

Prof. Jan Godsell,
WMG, University of Warwick
Jan Godsell is a Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Strategy at WMG, University of Warwick. Her work focuses on the pursuit of more responsible consumption and production through the alignment of product, marketing and supply chain strategy with consumer needs. In particular Jan’s work focuses on the design of end-to-end supply chains to enable, responsibility, sustainability, flexibility and productivity. She leads the Supply Chain Research Group and the Supply Chains in Practice (SCIP) industrial collaborator forum.
As a chartered engineer, Jan has more than two decades of combined industry experience in product development, innovation, supply chain strategy, and process improvement working for ICI, Astra Zeneca and Dyson. She has advised government and industry on supply chain strategy and its relationship to industrial and business strategy. Jan is currently a member of the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) supply chain resilience advisory group. Jan is also a member of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) advisory groups for Manufacturing Made Smarter and Driving the Electric Revolution.
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