Pre-Manufactured Value Validation
22 October 2021
12.00 - 13:00
Learn about how PMV, why it is being used and how PMV is applied across the sector and on projects with clients and manufacturers
An interesting topic for Strategic Directors, Residential Procurement specialists, Quantity Surveyors, MMC manufacturers, Residential Clients, Residential Constractors.
You will learn:
• What is PMV?
• Why PMV for better project/sector outcomes?
• The MMC manufacturing volume opportunity

Simon has over 25 years experience of innovation in the construction sector, and leads on Innovation and Digital for Cast. He's worked for Modern Methods of Construction residential developers, manufacturers and contractors. Simon was a Group Director at BRE, responsible for the consultancy division, spanning innovation, sustainability, and productivity across the building sector. His propensity to assist client, and transform the sector, led to Simon to create a SaaS business model to enable sustainability and productivity improvement for the construction sector, known as SmartSite.
Simon leads on residential digital transformation for Construction Leadership Council, and chairs a Housing Metrics group focused on using metrics and data to align the future of the Houseing sector incorporating whole life performance, MMC and Digital.
Simon is working with a number of innovative Houseing clients, developers and manufacturers, reating digital strategies and tools to create efficiencies adn improved outcomes across sales, operations, design, technical and leadership workflows. He's focused on the successful implementation of Pre-Manufactured Value in the sector.
Simon directed BRE's Smartsite business, including SmartWaste the environmental tool, which includes capturing Scope 3 embodied carbon emissions, and the acquisition of YellowJacket from Mace.
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