Improving fire safety - Occupied residential tower blocks in Plymouth in a post Grenfell era
5th Nov 2021
12.00 - 13:00
This is a rare opportunity for an insight into a unique project with unique challenges. The finished project is only part of the story. Understand the residents perspective and how post war construction and late 90’s refurb impacted the design and delivery solutions. This will be a unique learning experience that will be very useful for those approaching similar projects.
This event will benefit anyone working in the construction and housing sector. Whilst this project was focused on improving the fire safety on three tower blocks in a post Grenfell era, the lessons learned about partnering and problem solving will benefit a wide range of professionals.
You will hear from the three principal partners (The Landlord and Building Owner, Consultant / Designer and the Principal Contractor) involved with the project. Learn how they worked together to address the challenges associated with refurbishing the 1960’s Tower blocks with the added challenge of a pandemic, material and labour shortages and unforeseen building defects to deliver a multi award winning project. Learn how they applied partnering principles to achieve the best outcomes in the most trying circumstances and how they delivered three iconic buildings back to the Plymouth skyline.

AJ Eaton has worked in the social housing sector for 25 years, working on both the client and now contractor side. AJ is the Divisional Director at the multi award winning Mi-Space who are part of the Midas Group. Mi-Space have established a reputation for delivering clients visions and values and delivered the largest Passivhaus development in the UK. They are also the leading provider of existing property decarbonisation undertaking ERDF, SHDF and BEIS WHR funded programmes.
AJ lives in Devon with his family and enjoys sailing and cycling, recently leading a team to raise over £60,000 for the Prostate Cancer Charity through a sponsored bike ride.
An Architect, Director and Practice BIM Manager at Bailey Partnership, Mike has a strong technical background and wealth of knowledge in Building Information Modelling. In recent years these capabilities have led him to be involved in many high profile recladding projects, supporting Building Safety Fund Applications and making people feel safe in their homes.

JOHN CLARK - Chief Executive of Plymouth’s largest Housing Association with c16,000 homes and 200 retail units. John has over 25 years experience in social housing, regeneration and community involvement, where previous roles have included Director of Housing at the Royal Borough of Greenwich and Chief Executive of Housing and Regeneration companies and charities in Leeds, Sheffield and the North East of England.
John is currently Regional Chair of the NHF SW and a member of Homes for the SW, One Plymouth and Plymouth City Centre Regeneration Board.
PCH has been recognised regionally and nationally for Housing Development, Regeneration, H&S and Customer Excellence and as an early adopter of Together With Tenants is proud to have tenant involvement and representation at the heart of our business and central to our success as a G1/V1 rated Housing Association by the Regulator for Social Housing

Michael Smith
An Architect, Director and Practice BIM Manager at Bailey Partnership, Mike has a strong technical background and wealth of knowledge in Building Information Modelling. In recent years these capabilities have led him to be involved in many high profile recladding projects, supporting Building Safety Fund Applications and making people feel safe in their homes.
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