Construction Industry Collaboration InitiativeĀ (CICI)

-Ā What is it? Why should you be both interested and involved?

Thursday 20th April 2023Ā 

At Midday


Collaboration in the workplace between organisations has been a long-standing challenge with it being little understood yet a popular but highly misused word. The Construction sector is no exception with its use in the Supply Chain having been at best patchy despite Construction Excellence having long advocated its benefits.

To change this, Constructing Excellence South West and LeadersMeets have come together to partner in providing the first, and a unique, Construction Industry Collaboration Initiative (CICI) supported by the Constructing Excellence Gloucestershire Club as the Founding Member – the first

This one-hour webinar will look more deeply at:

  • What are benefits of Collaboration and Collaborative working;
  • How the 5 module Certificate training has been developed;
  • Who should be involved;
  • Why you should get involved now in CICI and start training your people and Supply Chain;

There will be a full Q&A session and a Poll so you can fully participate.

The webinar will be led by Howard Betts, a Director of LeadersMeets with some 35 years of supporting leaders, their organisations and people to collaborate more effectively and productively across many business sectors as well as nationally and globally.