Webinar Overview
It is difficult to miss the increased focus on climate and sustainability and the urgency with which organisations are having to address this matter.
As the world transitions toward a ‘sustainable’ future, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) is seen as the lens through which stakeholders including investors and insurers, are assessing an organisation's credentials.
What’s more, embedding ESG is increasingly a source of competitive advantage for the companies that do it right.
In this session we will look to provide a back to basics review of ESG, what it means for you and your organisation and the benefits it can provide.

ESG Engagement Lead
Owing to a passion for nature, the climate and sustainability and announcements in relation to major regulatory and climate related litigation,
Tom transferred skills developed in a 13 year career specialising in insurance and risk management for the construction and professional services industry to focus on helping organisations become more sustainable via the ESG framework.
He is now responsible for educating key internal and external stakeholders on the importance of ESG and helping clients to identify where next steps on their journey present greatest value.
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