Our mission!

Jan 01, 2020

In a fast-changing world that is far more volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous leadership and learning have never been more important. Our aim is to encourage both through a mission of ‘encouraging and facilitating conversations that matter’ between people – the members of leadersmeets.com.

Both research and experience over the last half-century has concluded that as adults we learn best when:

  • It is relevant to what we do;
  • We are involved; and
  • Have the opportunity to question and discuss issues with other adults.

Significantly as adults remember on average around some:

  • 10% of what we read;
  • 20% of what we hear;
  • 50% of what we see;
  • 70% of what we discuss; and
  • 80% of what we experience.

Our monthly 60-minute‘ conversations that matter’ that maximise upon the potential of online technology means that members can share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences through short, pertinent, and focused topics and issues led by a subject expert.

Members can sign in for each of the monthly ‘conversations that matter’ from anyplace via their smartphone, tablet, or laptop meaning that neither time nor cost is involved in travel importantly reducing CO2 emissions whilst increasing time that can be more effectively spent than that of more traditional learning.

For those occasions when a member who miss or are unable to join in any conversation, or wish to hear it again, all of our ‘conversations that matter’ are recorded and can be downloaded and listened to again on say a commute or a run.

Additionally, our website will build up supportive learning materials and podcasts as well as short workshops, e-learning, and development events with member discounts of between 15%-25%.

To join us on this exciting journey – clink on the link below.

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