Our Training Dates

Introduction to Collaboration and Collaborative Working
Exeter, Devon
17th June 2024
Future Skills Centre, Exeter , EX5 2LJ
£275 per person
Discounts available for CESW members in accordance with Bronze, Silver & Gold Memberships
Introduction to Collaboration and Collaborative Working
We will be running our one-day ‘Introduction to Collaboration and Collaborative Working’ certificate training day at the Exeter College Future Skills Centre, Exeter Airport, EX5 2LJ.
The day will run from 9 am through to 5 pm on the 17th June, 2024. Coffee and tea are provided but not lunch, which can be purchased from The Kitchen Café on-site.
The goals of this training are to help participants to define; recognise; explain; discuss; practice and apply some of the key psychological and behavioural factors that influence the everyday effectiveness of collaboration between people and organisations. The key subject matter and content is introduced progressively through the use of a case study supported by experiential construction exercise, group work. Content of day:
- Collaboration, Learning and Competence
- Collaborative Mindset and Attitude
- Collaborative Behaviours and Trust
- 7 Keys to Effective Collaboration and Team Size
- Collaborative Performance and Interference Factors
- Non-Value Adding Activities
- Collaboration Phases
- Collaboration, Change and Transition
The day is fully participatory with both group plenary discussions.
This training is run by LeadersMeets who in partnership with Construction Excellence South West (CESW) formed the Construction Industry Collaboration Initiative (CICI) in 2023 supported by the Gloucestshire Construction Excellence Club as the founding member. To learn more about the Construction Industry Collaboration Initiative (CICI) and the research behind it please click here
To read the ‘Guidance on Collaborative Procurement for Design and Construction to Support Building Safety’ Commissioned by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, click here